Positioning Map

In my tutorial, me and Maddy discussed how I could use my positioning map (see below). Today I have started to put the real one together, whilst doing this I realised that my positioning map wouldn’t work with the horizontal line being limited information with a fee, to diverse information without a fee as some sites may be diverse information with a fee. Therefore I have contacted Maddy to see if I could include two positioning maps within my report in order to go into deeper depth of where my concept will be compared to my competitors. 


For my first positioning map, the horizontal line will just be limited information to diverse information. As well as including competitors I have found, I will also be including websites mentioned by my target customers who filled in my survey. Tumblr and Pinterest I have put on the horizontal line, evenly between student website and fashion website as they  come across as neither due to them not just being about fashion and are used so widely.

This is what I have put together so far:

Positioning Mapa

From what I have put together so far, my concept seems to be filling a gap in the market as it is in an area with no surrounding competitors. However, I will continue to add other websites to the positioning map as I find them in order to get the best overview of where my concept will be positioned within the current market. I was going to include on the map a past site I mentioned on his blog themuse.tv, however the site is now unavailable to view.